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Mad Honey


Have you ever had food poisoning? Now, imagine a king from long ago who experimented with mysterious potions to deliberately poison people. This is the story of mad honey and King Mithridates, the king of poison. Growing up, Mithridates was obsessed with plants and animals, and the more dangerous they were, the more Mithridates studied them. It’s time to learn about the mysterious tale of how he discovered a poison that would win battles and mystify his enemy, the Romans.

About Honest History

Honest History creates award-winning books, magazines, and this show for young historians across the world. Our mission is to inspire kids to create a positive impact on history themselves. Learn more at and @honesthistory.


This episode was hosted by Sean Jordan, written by Heidi Coburn and produced by Randall Lawrence. Original theme music was written and recorded by Luke Messimer.